On the tragic night of May 19, 1992, Michael Land broke a window to Candace Brown’s apartment and cut her telephone wires.
Later, when the police finally entered the scene, they found a puppy and Brown’s two-year-old child thankfully unharmed, but Candace herself was missing. Strangely, there was a note on a bulletin board with Land’s name and phone number on it, and upon closer inspection of the room, there was a shoe print with a distinctive tread spelling out “USA” on one of the windowpanes.
Further investigation revealed that Brown and Land had met when she was a part of a prison ministry. She had also named him a suspect in a prior burglary of her home.
This discovery aroused suspicion amongst the police, and they promptly found Land. Land, however, stated that he hadn’t seen Brown for a week and was quick to offer an alibi.
Still, the police took his shoes to match the tread; unsurprisingly, they fit. When Land’s alibi did not corroborate his story, Land offered another one stating that he had met two men at a gas station asking for an easy mark for burglary, and Land had offered up Brown’s home.
Not only had he offered up Brown’s home, but he also stated that the men had paid him $20 to cut the window glass of her apartment. According to Land, the men knocked Born to the floor when she had come in to check the commotion and discovered the men, prompting Land to flee in fear.
Land’s second alibi didn’t fly for long as they found Brown’s body in a nearby quarry the next day, shot in the back of her head by a .45 caliber automatic handgun. To no one’s surprise, the cops found a .45 handgun in Land’s car with bullets matching the bullet in Brown’s head.
They also found glass fragments consistent with the glass of the window broken in Brown’s house in Land’s house. There was a semen stain on Brown’s blouse, which turned out to be consistent with Land’s blood sample.