Developer shares preliminary plan for former Park Hill golf course redevelopment

DENVER On Thursday, a Denver-based developer released preliminary plans for the former Park Hill golf course. The plans could change, and many steps still stand in the way of any groundbreaking, but that hasnt kept multiple perspectives from weighing in.

DENVER — On Thursday, a Denver-based developer released preliminary plans for the former Park Hill golf course.

The plans could change, and many steps still stand in the way of any groundbreaking, but that hasn’t kept multiple perspectives from weighing in.

The plans, released by Westside Investment Partners Inc., include designated spaces for a community center, grocery store and affordable housing. There’s also 100 acres allocated for open green space.

The 155-acre former golf course sits near one of Denver’s historically Black communities — the Park Hill neighborhood. The City of Denver says it’s spent the past 18 months accepting feedback from residents who live within a mile of the area.

Kenneth Ho, with Westside Investment Partners, told Denver7 the firm’s preliminary plans are in alignment with the desires of nearby residents.

“We think our plan reflects the recommendations,” Ho said. “We’re planning to donate more than 100 acres of the 155 acres. That will be enough to create the city’s fourth-largest park, and its eleventh, and newest regional park. In the city, we heard loud and clear that the community really prioritized parks and open space here. And so nearly two-thirds of the land will be parks and open space in our plan.”

For any development to move forward, Denver City Council will have to approve a small area plan for developers to follow. Additionally, a majority of Denver voters would have to be in favor of the development plans.

Currently, the city is reviewing public feedback in order update its draft for a small area plan. A spokesperson for Denver’s Community Planning and Development Department said the draft is expected to be released in August for the public’s review.

On the same day Westside Invesment Partners released the preliminary plans, a grassroots coalition, Yes for Parks and Open Space, launched a website calling for the entire 155 acres to be preserved as a public park. The coalition is also asking for resident feedback of its own.

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